path cantaloupe srv cs cmu edu crabapple fs ece europa eng gtefsd com paladin american darwin sura net sgiblab adagio panasonic nntp server caltech keith from cco allan schneider newsgroups alt atheism subject re pompous ass date apr gmt organization california institute of technology pasadena lines message id pmac innm gap references ou koinne mvs psuvm psu p pj innc f ueinnasp bkinnjt pa ntinns d pftrbinn n posting host lloyd writes many people would probably think especially if the fanatics propogandized this that was a conflict between atheists and religious get impression we were trying to outlaw religion contintue try remove all things with reference s not what i ve asked perhaps you be right said fundamentalists way after they are being oppressed when allowed oppress however have shown where idea it vs winner take as far can tell is your groundless prediction will happen but haven t taken into account propoganda remember germans before wwii jews shoudl slaughtered answer no machine rolled through at least some able tolerate 43